This article about the wonder in our Church was written 4 years ago. Now St Boniface Church in the hospital is restored and is functioning.

19 May 1999


What is wonder? One of possible definitions can be the following: Wonder is an infringement of the exciting natural order of things by God, in cases when that order comes into conflict with God's will".

Kinds of concreate cases can vary, and it is important to note out minor wonders happening in our everyday life. One could realize that to conquer the official state routine is sometimes as supernatural an act as to walk on water surface.

About two years ago phisicians of Moscow Central mental hospital began to ask the priests of reopened Saint Metrophan of Voronezh Church to hold public prayer, to confess and to give holy communion to invalids in this hospital. Though such activity was not welcome by all the physicians, the definite part of hospital patients - and about 100 children among them - took the chance to take part in the life of Church. Step by step the majority of hospital's phisicians began to realize that sometimes Grace of God, recieved by an invalid though the sacraments, can infuence his mental activity far more than drugs.

Some time later the question of hospital's own Church has arisen. The suggested way out - to reequip the building of hospital'c library for the Church was rather daring idea. Thoug he library almost did not functionate, the first of all because of lack of worthy books (most of them can be called 'literature for the pulp'), the phisician-in-chief of the hospital refused point-blank to open the Church in the building of 'temple of enlightment'.

The shape and style of that building looks like small Church, except a cross above the roof.

It seemed that in 1990-es the time had come to restore it: Martyr Boniface, the eaven patron of that would-be Church, has an especial grace to heal the aliment of hard drinking, which many patients of the hospital suffer from. But the opinion of the phisician-in-chief was the real stambling-block. The great portrait of Lenin in the chief's cabinet illustrated his wiews very well.

Then we could only pray. And yet some time later the accident happened wich changed the situation absolutely.

One day the phisician-in-chief had been told: "should you remove the portrait?". The answer was negative, for the reason of it's being tightly nailed to the wall. The next day, caming to his working place, the chief saw, that THE GREAT PORTRAIT OT THE COMMUNIST FUHRER IN HEAVY FRAME HAD FALLEN DOWN JUST ON HIS ARM-CHAIR, destroyed the elbow-rests. If the chief was on the arm-chair, he would be immediately killed by big broken glass. It was on Lenin's birthday eve. Some days later the agreement on question of re-equipment the hospital's library for he Church was achieved.

Now chief changed his mind and the community of Martyr Boniface Church in Moscow Regional Mental hospital solves different problems always arising when life of a new parish begins. The work goes in spite of slowlyness, God helps.

Uderstand, peoples, and resign yourself, for God with us!

Slava Bogu za vse!

Priest Maxim Obukhov, Moscow.