to the place of martyrdom of
St Elizabet Feodorovna Romanova


Kungur is not a big town in Perm region to the West from Ural moumtains just on the way from Moscow to Siberia. There is famous Kungur ice cave. It is 5 kilometers long. Even when it is hot summer outside of the cave there is a lot of ice inside. Temperature there is never higher than 0-+3 grads C.

Kungur, Kungur cave.
Click on the pictures to see more

Railway station
Near the town
Entrance to the ice cave
Underground lake
The way for tourists through the cave
The way under the bottom of underground lake
The small path amongst big stones inside of the cave

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Pictures were made during the pilgrimage in July of 1998 ¿ St Elizabeth sisterhood. Address: Moscow 103287 2-ja Khutorskaja 40 tel. 211-36-25 email: om@mrezha.ru